Crochet Manual, Colorful three parts Skirt


Crochet colorful three parts skirt. Front and chart views. Cotton 100%. SKU 1-13. Author – TaiKeri
If you like crocheting, making this skirt will set you in a pleasant mood for about fifty hours. And the garment itself looks merry, youthful, feels free and pugnacious, go-ahead. Perfect for the wool, as for a flax or silk, too. Pleasant in crocheting while changing colors and their order. Tutorial explains how to change measurements and contains free attachment describing how parts are joined for the cute looks. (Contains lining (optional, not described)).

SKU: 1-13 Category:



Tutorial comes as a .pdf file

(Readable via internet, too)

Skirt’s size: small, height: any&each – Sx

Hard not to agree, that some apparel must be called experimental. Although if not making a mess with colors (eight used here) one can accomplish really perfect set. Nice to play, nice to calm, nice to see a thing without pretending to be something else but a touch of anarchy searching for the harmony. Some may succeed.

Additional information


Changeable colors, because you select as many as you wish, as you select yarn. You select the order of colors and crochet the unique skirt.


Changeable size, because you will get explanation how to change it. Please subscribe and leave your email. We use it for the only purpose – to send you free ads. Or wait a bit and we will place our technics for all for free in a new page.


Accurate crochet will provide you professional looks of your handmade apparel. And you will be highly satisfied with the result achieved by yourself. We hope so. But the most amazing thing with this stuff is the process of crocheting: you will really get the feeling of joy and relax while changing these short sessions of colors.


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